Inner Michael » Born to Sing the Earth’s Song

Born to Sing the Earth’s Song

Today is another kind of “Earth Day”

In honor of one who came to change the world and issued a call to humanity to save its planet and therefore save itself, we announce:
The release of the 4th edition of “Words and Violence”

The project is dedicated to Lady Diana Spencer and Mr. Michael Jackson.

Words and Violence’ mission is to examine bullying in all its incarnations…

and to find the antidote so we can cure this widespread human failing.

The project holds more than 600 pages of resources about bullying and how we can heal ourselves of this affliction.

The program is hosted by Voices Education Project – the educational arm for the:
Charter for Compassion

“Words and Violence” is a vast resource about bullying in all its forms – from the playground to the grave and everything in between.

It is downloadable and free for the taking.

The announcement for the 4th edition contents may be found featured on the front page of Voices Compassionate Education:
(Scroll halfway down) 

You’ll want to pay close attention to the last entry in the new edition:

“Someone Was Singing Earth’s Song Before It Was Fashionable to Become Her Voice”:



Today is the anniversary of the birth of a being whose Dharma *(“way of being and life path”) was to serve others and the planet to enhance the quality of existence. There are those people, occasionally, who come to the planet destined to serve humanity and have a big impact on the world. To be destined for greatness is a burden to the soul. Lives of greatness and accomplishment are not easy. Being a public figure is not simple. When one enters the world with special gifts that are cutting edge and serve evolution, those people are often ostracized from their own communities.

Genius is often thought to be “strange” and many times those with genius or with life missions designed to “wake up” people and the planet are marginalized, ridiculed, and unappreciated. The are just too “different” and they pay the price for their brilliance and creativity. The world does not always welcome them and treat them kindly and often their contributions and worth are not recognized until after they are gone. History discovers them, not their peers.

Daring to challenge cultural norms; questioning the status quo; calling for change; introducing new concepts; inventing something startling; calling out humanity on its apathy, inertia, desertion of one’s fellow human, irresponsibility, lack of compassion, indifference, laziness, lack of empathy, pointing out flaws, demonstrating human failure, calling for action in the face of immobility, asking people to change habits,, calling for participation in a new way or wave of being, and especially trying to engage the momentum to change a paradigm, will not make someone welcome– particularly if there is a payoff in staying static and keeping things the same no matter how painful that is.

Change is difficult for people and releases brain chemicals that are akin to those that flood the brain during torture. There will be resistance.

For the one attempting to shift the paradigm and bring everyone with them, the need for change seems obvious, natural and reasoned. They can’t understand why everybody can’t see their same vision. They are the ones who always see the bigger picture. They understand the nature of things and of being. They live with a sense of urgency that is lifelong. They care sometimes to the point of imbalance in their own lives. Sometimes they give until they are… completely… empty.

Sometimes we forget that they are global treasures and their lives are a gift to the rest of us.

This “Dharma” explains Lady Diana and Michael Jackson. They came to change the world. They came to wake us up. But especially– they came to open our hearts.

* A very loose translation. Dharma is a complex concept.



~To Inner Michael~



  1. Dalia said . . .

    Yes…”Sometimes we forget that they are global treasures and their lives are a gift to the rest of us” you are so right about that. Michael is still a treasure…Unappreciated.

    Posted September 2, 2014 at 3:26 am | Permalink
  2. B. Kaufmann said . . .

    I think people are waking up though. And if all the tributes and covers of songs, and marching bands, and dancers, and impersonators, and graffiti, and paintings, and college courses and books, and people who bought the new album is any indication, that may be changing.

    Posted September 2, 2014 at 3:33 am | Permalink

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