Inner Michael » A Merry Pay-it-Forward Christmas Message

A Merry Pay-it-Forward Christmas Message

I want you to know that the Inner Michael family, whether you are new or have been here a thousand times is each one, cherished as a unique person and for their singular contribution to the planet. This family has a common denominator and it’s called LOVE. Love for a human, the human family, the animals of Earth, the earth herself, for all sentient beings and the land that remembers.

We read in many scriptures and faith traditions about “Christmas.” For Christianity, it is the story of Jesus, his family and his birth. The literal story is that Mary, great with child was ready to deliver her baby and there was no room for her in the inn and nowhere to rest and birth her child. Metaphorically, it is a message about the world not being ready to receive the Christ child. Eventually in the night, the family finds room in a stable intended for animals and the animals make room for his humble birth from humble beginnings. It is the story of the Christ being born in humility and rising to teach love and find glory. The Christ Child is born in darkness from humble beginnings among not humans, but animals. Metaphorically, the humans did not make room for him among their kind and he was born among “animals” (think about it.)

“Christmas” or the celebration of that birth is called by many names and couched in many writings in many languages and it involves a rise from the darkness and a representative birthing of the new. The message hidden in the words, if you will but look closely is “Christ-mas.” A mass or celebration of the Christ. And the “Christ” is the name for the arisen one, the one who embodies the highest Self, the realized potential for the full expression of the god-within to express in the world. It is to reach for, embrace, embody and then extend our Christ within and make it active in the world. It is to stand in, become and then be our light as a beacon that shines on others allowing them to shine too. It is to express the god-created and god-generated holy of holies in the world– a divine love that radiates from the human heart and embraces all of creation.

The Inner Michael family shares an admiration not for a man so much as what he stood for and what he demonstrated in his life and message. He cared. And in this world of indifference and cynicism we hold fast to the idea that caring is still very much in vogue and is the path to salvation. We care: for one another, for the children of tomorrow, for the planet, for self and for the future. It is our ability to care that binds us and bonds us. “Inner Michael” is a metaphor for the Christed-self arising from within. It is the longing to express the brilliance, not the shadow. It is a striving to embrace and arise to become our best divinely-inspired self. Tt is the dove (Holy Spirit) that lands on the shoulder, captures the heart, and melds with the flesh. It is to fully embrace our destiny; it is to find our way home. It it the birth of the soul-infused personality.


We, as keepers of the LOVE, will strive to suspend judgment, become our best self and to share that shining self with the world. We try to remember that our wounds are not a sin or punishment, but a call to growth as human beings and to become more. We acknowledge that we all feel a stirring to remember what we came here to do and a magnetic pull to our personal mission and destiny and an internal knowing that we, separately and together, are meant to leave our mark to create the world a better place.

We speak this as a prayer that places the heart frequency of love on perpetual motion and held as holy in the minds and hearts of the Inner Michael family, and thus in the world. May we all have a wonder-filled Solstice, Hannukah, Kwanzaa and Christmas, and may we begin the New Year tranformation in 2012 with a belief in magic– the potential magic of humans and humanity.

Your love is magical. A sincere blessing and wish for LOVE made manifest from Inner Michael. The world awaits your gift.

My gift to you: A prayer and a wish to remember:


Wishing you a Magical Christmas

With LOVE and Christmas Magic,
Barbara at Inner Michael


  1. Robbie M said . . .

    To all my fellow travellers in the Inner Michael family, may God`s peace and love be with you at this time of celebration of Christ`s birth into the world. May all our heartlight shine out into the world and make it a brighter place, just because we can! Thank you all for your inspiration and love. Life always seems that much better after a visit to this wonderful site. May the new year bring wonderful new beginnings to you all. Love and blessings from Scotland.

    Posted December 24, 2011 at 7:12 pm | Permalink
  2. Nicole P-H said . . .

    As a member of the Inner Michael family, I want to say that I love you. I am very proud and happy to belong to this family of Love. Barbara, I am so grateful to you, for guiding us and teaching us so much. From the very depth of my heart, Merry Christmas to you Barbara and to all the members of our beautiful family ! Peace, Light, and Love to all. Nicole P-H

    Posted December 24, 2011 at 8:07 pm | Permalink
  3. Anne Mette Jepsen said . . .

    Thank you Rev. Kaufmann! You are very much appreciated, I hope you know that 🙂 Love you! Merry Christmas to you and everybody here 🙂 LOVE and GRATITUDE from Denmark 🙂

    Posted December 24, 2011 at 11:07 pm | Permalink
  4. Sue Springer said . . .

    To all of my Inner Michael family, I love you and thank you for all of your love and support, and wish you a blessed and joyful Christmas. Thank you, dear Rev. B., for your guidance and love. Love and peace to you all, Sue.

    Posted December 25, 2011 at 12:44 am | Permalink
  5. Joslyn said . . .

    Merry Christmas everyone! 🙂

    Posted December 26, 2011 at 1:05 am | Permalink
  6. Tania said . . .

    Rev Barbara, Thankyou for this beautiful Christmas message. To you and all the members of the Inner Michael family, I wish a New Year full of love and magic and a continuation of the work we are all doing to make our world a better place. Let your heart and love lights shine for you are the beacon from where real change will begin and impact those around you. Barbara, thank you for another year of support, guidance and love. I am eternally grateful. Love and blessings to you and yours and I look forward to another wonderful year with the Inner Michael family. God Bless XO

    Posted December 26, 2011 at 11:07 pm | Permalink
  7. Kim said . . .

    I know I am posting a bit late here, but I would like to extend my sincere wishes for a joyful, peaceful, happy and loving holiday season and Happy New Year to all of the Inner Michael family. Also, thank you Rev. Barbara for your inspiring and loving tribute to Michael and bringing to light how we can shine our own inner light to help raise the vibration of humanity and the planet. I have learned much from you and our family. I am grateful for the gifts that we all have received during this past year and as we each walk our spiritual paths. Thank you. Much love and light to you all. <3

    Posted January 1, 2012 at 1:34 am | Permalink
  8. Lynaire Williams said . . .

    Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring words. For myself a timely reminder. Best Wishes and Love to all whose heart vibrates to and answers the call of INNERMICHAEL. 2012 is here and because of you Barbara and Michael I believe we will all navigate it with more love and more light. Namaste, Lynaire

    Posted January 1, 2012 at 8:10 pm | Permalink
  9. victoria drumbakis said . . .

    Blessings to all – this is our time to shine. 2012 will bring us closer to that which is our true nature

    Love to you Barbara. Thank you for being the keeper of the flame for Michael.


    Posted February 17, 2012 at 4:23 am | Permalink

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