I have learned a lot from Michael Jackson. I have learned about dignity, integrity and steadfastness while facing the valley of the shadow. I have learned that genius can be found in unexpected places. I have learned to never take for granted the gifts that God has given you. I have learned that it is important to own your “stage” in life, to own your talent and to give credit where it’s deserved. I always thought that one person could change the world but I didn’t know the magnitude of impact one person with a mission can have.
That is just a little of what I learned from Michael.
I have learned a lot about Michael too. I learned that he was not who they said he was. I learned that he was a tireless humanitarian and crusader for children. I learned that he was the most famous and visible cheerleader for humanity who ever lived. Learned that he viewed his generosity and ability to make a difference in the lives of others as his job. He was given wealth in life and he shared it all over this planet.
That’s only a smidge of what I learned about Michael. There is so much more…
I have learned a lot about myself in this journey. I have learned that I took some things at face value that required a much deeper look. I learned that I was complacent. I learned that I made assumptions and that I was wrong. I learned that I judge people without having adequate information. I learned that I was not aware of an industry that preys on human nature and it is not pretty. It is a creepy and creeping plague on the human race. And I learned that there is another industry that is not close behind. I have learned to have the courage to bear witness to a vile practice that resembles rape. I have learned how to respect in a brand new way. I have learned that I am not alone.
That is what I learned about me and I continue to learn incredible things about the world and about people…
I learned a great deal about human nature. I have learned that there are people who hold a light and hold sacred space for the future because of the impact of one human being. I have learned about cynicism and not simply unethical but amoral practices. I have learned what real cruelty looks like and it’s not what I thought before. I have learned that when humans are unkind, it is the most destructive force in the Universe. I have learned what pimping really is- on a grand scale. And I learned what heartless is.
That kind of heartlessness staggers one. It staggers one in disbelief. It takes the very breath. It saps lifeforce. And that is what moves me the most. That is what moves me to continue. That is what pushes me past the exhaustion. That is what keeps me looking squarely into the face of blackness in some of the darkest places I have ever been.
We have got to learn to have heart as a people, as a planet! I am convinced that our very survival depends on it. And I am not alone. This past week has been a wild ride through a hundred emotions for lots of people.
Somehow we got through it and now I am going to propose that you listen to a radio show hosted by Rev. Dr. Catherine Ross where I was a guest. We spoke about shadow and we spoke about coming from heart. The show was recorded on the anniversary of Michael’s passing. You can find it archived on her radio website: A Place in Your Heart Radio
And if you like the meditation I led and we did together and you want to learn more about how to do shadow work you may order my Introduction to Shadow and a Meditation for Healing Michael, Healing the World:
Introduction to Shadow & Healing Michael, Healing the World
And as always, let me know about your experience. Keep Michaeling and Keep shining!
Thank you Rev. Kaufmann! LOVE and GRATITUDE 🙂 Anne Mette, Denmark <3
Thanks Barbara for being, for knowing how to appreciate the value and beauty hidden to the world, in the belief that this teaching is worthwhile, to learn and keep an open mind to the messages of God through this beautiful and special person that we were provided and that we could not see or care. Nothing in life comes by chance, we are here because we have a mission, something to learn and share, no matter what others do not understand. Michael was not a messiah or a God but he had a very special gift, that’s why we are here now. Thanks for being here when I need encouragement to go ahead. May God bless you.
I just watched Seth Riggs’ [Michael’s vocal coach] comment on Michael. He was very emotional and there were tears standing in his eyes as he spoke about Michael’s heart and the way he wore it on his sleeve. He spoke about Dave Dave [burn victim] and how Michael had told him not to worry – that he would take care of him – and he did. Yes, that is what made Michael different from the Mick Jaggers and Bonos and everyone else out there – his huge, magnificent, giving, caring, HEART. It is what so many of us lack – the ability to speak from, reach out from, see through the heartspace that we each possess and have so little contact with. Michael, we miss that beautiful heart so much. We miss all the rest of you, too, but that heart. Will there ever be another like it? I don’t think that can be duplicated.
Barbara I haven’t commented in a while, but I have read everything you have written on Michael. Thank you for helping us to heal. It also takes a special person to lend herself as you have to Michael’s cause. Although entering into his world, for me, did not take much coaxing. I don’t think it did for you either.
Once you see his light, you are reminded that we should’ve been in this fight for life. We have been reminded before. It will always be a long and heart wrenching fight to overcome the plight of the world as you well know. Every one must do their part. Michael gave up his life for it, always at center stage trying to help make things right.
I just watched Seth Riggs’ [Michael’s vocal coach] comment on Michael. He was very emotional and there were tears standing in his eyes as he spoke about Michael’s heart and the way he wore it on his sleeve. He spoke about Dave Dave [the child deliberately burned by his father whom Michael befreinded ] and how Michael had told him not to worry – that he would take care of him – and he did. Yes, that is what made Michael different from other Rock Stars and everyone else out there – his huge, magnificent, giving, caring, HEART. He got personally involved and acted. It is what we need to learn – the ability to speak from, reach out from, see through the heartspace that we each possess and have not enough contact with. Michael, we miss that beautiful heart so much. Will there ever be another like it? I don’t think it can be duplicated.
Your words are so inspiring and they touch me at the core. Michael was our pied piper and he led us through the mazes with him. He was maligned and verbally castrated, and it was words more than deed that were used as weapons against him. I agree that we as humans must learn to be compassionate and kind. Words do hurt. They torture us. They strip us and render us helpless even though we might keep up a brave facade. Words destroy us inside where the wounds are not visible to the eye and those wounds can fester and bleed. The planet weeps when we are unkind and its inhabitants suffer real ills in reverberation. gain, thank you for being here and being Michael’s voice. You speak the truth and in so doing, touches the heart.