Inner Michael » Heal the Waters

Heal the Waters

As the shadow reminder shows us, there is much work to be done on this planet. To change the world in a meaningful way, do you have to be a rock star? Or pop star? Do you have to be wealthy? Famous? A world traveler? What does a messenger look like? How does the Bodhisattva go about changing the world? She begins right where she is. He sees a problem and in a flash of inspiration intuits the solution.

When those Bodhisattvas in our lives are gone, they are gone. And then it’s too late to say thank you or to recognize them for their work and contribution to humanity and the planet. In contrast to those who prefer to spread shadow, there are those special people who choose to spread light. They deliberately work for the good of all sentient beings. Too often they, and their work go unrecognized and sometimes they and their contribution are overlooked until after they depart. That, however, doesn’t support them in this life and being unappreciated or unsupported in the work makes the effort lonely and harder.

This past week, on retreat, my friends and I gathered and with some messenger friends from New Zealand, we created sacred space and great work came out of that gathering. Much of it was about the waters– the keys and the codes in the waters. If you are not familiar with Masaru Emoto’s work with water called “Messages in Water,” take a look. His seminal work demonstrates the impact of consciousness on the world of matter. If you think that your thoughts don’t matter, think again. If you think that your shadow is entertaining and harmless, think again. If you think labels don’t cause heartache and harm, think again.

So in the spirit of saying “thank you” to the Bodhisattvas in my life, and to honor Michael’s efforts for Earth Day, I will let you know about some important work being done by one of the many Bodhisattvas who grace my life:

My friend Kate talks to trees. That’s right, you understood that correctly- Kate talks to trees. And she is a teacher who teaches eco-responsibility through her connection with trees. She was inspired a year or so ago to create a project to heal the waters. Kate is a Michael fan and I admire and support her work. She has a project coming up May 1 that I would like you to know about.

Here’s a message from Kate:

Heal The Waters on May 1, 2010 at Sundown

I’ve been a Michael Jackson fan for more than 30 years. Michael has always been an inspiration to me– his soft-spoken nature, his incredible dance moves, but most of all his amazing soul.

He embodied what we all strive for– love.

He saw the need for planetary healing. Of course, “Earth Song” and “Heal The World” are songs that immediately come to mind.

In fact, when the health of our planet’s waters was brought to my attention, it came to mind that we should all join together much like we all did when we became part of “We Are the World” and with the intention to “Heal The Waters.”

Water is what sustains us physically. Love is what sustains us as spiritual beings. I believe Michael knew this to the very depth of his soul.

Being a Michael fan and being a lover of nature caused me to want to make a difference with the health of our water. It is in this spirit and with love for the planet, that I invite each of you to participate in your own personal Heal The Waters ceremony or join in on a ceremony that may be taking place in your place in the world.

To sign up to host a ceremony (private or public) or to see where the nearest ceremony is taking place, go to:

Heal the Waters

Remember, our thoughts create our reality; our dreams become what is realized for future generations. Let’s do our part, as Michael did during his life, to “Heal the World” and “Make it a better place for you and for me.”
I invite you to come “Heal the Waters” on May 1, 2010

It’s all for LOVE,

Thanks Kate; “I’ll Be There.” Barbara


  1. Jan said . . .

    Kate, this is a great idea. And about talking to trees, Michael played music through hidden speakers throughout Neverland to help his foliage be more beautiful. He admitted as much to Bashir, but, of course, this particular quote did not serve Bashir’s agenda so it never made it into his interview footage. But it did make it into Michael’s outtakes. A quote from Michael Jackson Conspiracy by Aphrodite Jones: “Jackson talks about tree lovers and says that people used to make fun of others who talked to their plants, insisting that there has been more and more evidence that plants respond to other living beings. ‘Plants and grass and trees respond to music,’ Jackson asserts. ‘They have emotion. They feel. They have feelings. When they hear music, they grow more beautiful. The butterflies come around. The birds come around.'”

    I was surprised when I read this in the book. I thought that he just played music like I do … to listen to music. But there was always something a little deeper in his motivations. I’ll be there on May 1.

    Posted April 25, 2010 at 4:08 pm | Permalink
  2. Dalia from Mexico said . . .

    My 6 year’s old son does love trees, he says he can talk to them all the time. I smile when he says these things. But now I will remember reading this article; it makes sense. My aunt had a beautiful garden full of flowers because she always talked to her plants. That’s true. Our logic tells us that a being without a brain can not think, but what about the octopus whose intelligence has been scientifically proven? There are many things still unknown to the world we live in, but using the logic of nature we need not be a scholar. Michael was simply logical; he realized the wonder of God’s creation. I can’t be there, but will send my heart.

    Posted April 25, 2010 at 10:24 pm | Permalink
  3. Kate said . . .

    Jan – I’m so glad you shared what you knew about Michael talking to trees. That doesn’t surprise me whatsoever. The more I come to know him the more I know we were/are kindred souls. He was a beautiful being and I’m so glad I saw in him what I did. I’m glad that I never lost that sense of joy, wonder and personal connection with the messages contained in our natural world. It’s lovely to know Michael was connected to his natural being and chose to communicate with the “Standing People”…our trees! Thank your for your response. Kate

    Posted April 27, 2010 at 11:56 pm | Permalink
  4. Kate said . . .

    Dalia – Thank you for responding to the post and I hope your son never loses sight of that connection he has with those special beings we call trees. We can have those connections with all beings when we open our hearts to them with love, peace and understanding. Once our hearts are open to communicating on this level amazing experiences are on the horizon, many lessons are there to be learned – allowing us to gain a wisdom that many only dream about receiving.
    Your aunt sang to her plants – what a wonderful relationship that existed between them! Your aunt received beautiful flowers and vegetables and they received your aunts care and beautiful songs. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do – nurture and love? And in return – we are nurtured and loved. Sounds good to me!!
    Thanks for sharing your story! And yes, send your love and healing to the waters upon Mother Earth at Sundown wherever you are. Thank you. Kate

    Posted April 28, 2010 at 12:02 am | Permalink
  5. Kim said . . .

    It is a shame that more people do not understand that trees are living entities just like us. I talk to my plants all the time and have even named them. I do feel that they hear me. I am also playing music; new age music which is very soothing to me and to my plants (Rosie, Katie and Ivy). Michael was certainly in tune with our green friends. He understood. Remember when we were children and how we looked at nature. Many people (including myself) lost that understanding of the beauty of nature along the way. Thank God, I’ve started to find my way back to the wonders of nature and our universe. Thank you as always for your inspirational posts. I won’t be able to make the ceremony either; my heart and soul will be there.

    Posted April 30, 2010 at 3:31 pm | Permalink

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