Author’s caution: For those who know or recognize truth, I believe that no more is necessary. Truth is a feeling. You know it. You know where it lives. You know it feels familiar. The information herein comes from texts that reveal the secret language of symbols. For those who don’t know Michael Jackson: you may find this material interesting but not profound. For those who have known Michael or know Michael and his work, ‘brace yourself.’
“Bodhisattva” is a Sanskrit term that means one who works toward enlightenment. Sanskrit is the classical language of India from ancient oral texts, the oldest of which are known as the Rig Vedas. Sanskrit language today is used in religious ceremonies, hymns, rituals, mantras and chanting. Kirtan is conducted in Sanskrit. The Vedas are considered holy works and, although oral tradition, could be considered as important to India as the Bible is to the west. Sanskrit is the official liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. “Sanskrit” means sanctified or consecrated.
Bodhi refers to “enlightenment” and Sattva means “being.” A Bodhisattva is a being interested in reaching enlightenment. Someone who is truly a Bodhisattva, even after reaching enlightenment, foregoes ascending into that bliss and hanging out there in favor of holding back until everyone reaches enlightenment. In fact, the Bodhisattva’s mission is to guide everyone to enlightenment.
Bodhisattvas are motivated by pure compassion and love. They are the perfect blend of innocence and wisdom. They revere their fellow beings and love them as self. They contribute unselfishly to the advancement of all beings toward enlightenment. The Bodhisattva will undergo any kind of suffering if it assists a fellow being toward enlightenment—human or otherwise.
Bodicitta is the first step toward enlightenment and is considered the mind of enlightenment. It’s an attitude of compassion and wisdom and an intimate understand of suffering—one’s own and others.’
Officially there are six regions of enlightenment in the Bodicitta mind:
1. Generosity
2. Ethics
3. Patience
4. Effort
5. Concentration
6. Wisdom
The Bodhisattva lives to dispel the misery of the world. That is the life mission they are dedicated to and all of their actions are but a seeking to fulfill that mission.
The modern and most well known incarnation of a Bodhisattva is the Nepalese Avalokiteshvara who symbolizes the compassionate side of our own nature that may be awakened by meditating on the mandala of Avalokiteshvara. The mandala depicts Avalokiteshvara with eight arms that symbolize his concerns for humanity. His spirit is believed to be reborn in the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet.
One of the trappings of the Bodhisattva is the Buddhist sun shade. The sun has a fierce, destructive side which can parch the land, destroying crops and men. In Buddhism, those of high rank were shielded from the sun by parasols, which thus became symbols of the majesty of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The parasol also came to represent both the sun with its spokes signifying its rays, and its shaft, the world axis. The parasol also came to represent protection from harm.
The human body and its parts are considered sacred in Hinduism and Buddhism as well as in shamanism for it is a symbol of the indwelling soul. Many cultures depict the stages of a life from childhood to young adulthood, maturity and old age. Many other cultures look at life’s passages less cynically than the west. The playfulness of childhood, for example, is symbolized in Hinduism by Krishna frolicking with the milkmaids. And in ancient Egypt, the infant Horus listened to the voice of the Universe. Jesus asking questions of the learned in the temple equates this stage for Christianity.
In Hinduism, the right hand is associated with rectitude and the left with deviousness. Hindus and Buddhists use a system of more than five hundred gestures or mudras in ritual and dance—the hands especially are deliberately placed in a particular configuration. The feet represent stability and freedom while dance allows the channeling of divine spirit. It was believed that the feet could draw energy from the ground underneath. Buddha’s footprints were considered footsteps to enlightenment.
The human skeleton represents mortality and the vanity of human wishes, but can also stand for the ascetic’s renunciation of physical comforts. In alchemical symbolism, the skeleton is equated with the nigredo, the stage of death before resurrection.
Nigredo refers to an alchemical process. Pierre Jean Fabre said of alchemy: “Alchemy is not merely an art or science to teach metallic transmutation, so much as a true and solid science that teaches how to know the centre of all things, which in the divine language is called the Spirit of Life.” The Nigredo is a black putrification said to emerge from the combining of two ingredients of the Materia Prima- the first matter (un -manifest or not yet in form.) Production of this “black of blacks” is completion of the first stage of the ‘Great Work’ of alchemy.
During the second stage, the blackness becomes overlaid with rainbow colors sometimes depicted as a peacock tail or pearl. In the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, the rainbow body is the highest meditative state attainable. The four elements that make up the body dissolve symbolically into rainbow light, and earthly life is shown to be truly unsubstantial. The rainbow body is then covered by whiteness, the albedo. This stage eventually shapeshifts sending one into the body of the “red king” or “sulfur of the wise’ who unites with the white queen. Their union is perfection or the philosopher’s stone—the keys to the kingdom or enlightenment.
Those who practice the way, developing the attributes of the Bodhisattva and who are dedicated to moving along the enlightenment of all humanity are considered to be very devoted. Their devotion or devotions in life can reap some rewards which are unusual abilities called Siddhis which may appear otherworldly but are actually very natural attributes. The descriptions vary a bit depending on which tradition and lineage but basic Siddhis result from a constant devotion, compassion and love:
Beginnnig Siddhis:
clairvoyance (supernormal vision), clairaudience (supernormal hearing), extrasensory perception, psychometry (matter moving by the power of the mind)
Warrior Siddhi Powers:
Trikalajriatvam – knowledge of the past, present and future.
Advandvam: to be beyond pleasure-pain, cold-heat, soft-hard. Non-duality.
Parachittadyabhijnata: knowledge of dreams and the mind.
Pratishtambah: control of effect of fire, wind, water, poisons, weapons, and the sun.
Aparajayah: Victorious. Not able to be defeated.
Heart Purification Siddhis:
Vashitva. IAttraction. Wherever you go, you are the magnet, the center of attraction. You attract everything–all the angels, all the human beings, all the species–towards you.
Ishitva means lordship. You are the lord of your senses, the lord of your mind. It means you conquer and wherever you go, that lordship is there.
Anumimattvam: hunger, thirst, grief, sorrow, infatuation, delusion and confusion of the mind, old age and death do not harm the body.
Doorshravan: to hear, sitting at one place, speech from however distant a place.
Dudarshan: to see simultaneously events and things in all the realms.
Manojava: the body can travel at the speed of thought to any place.
Kaamaroopa: to assume any form. Shapeshifting.
Parakayapravesh: ability to enter into another’s body, whether they are dead or alive.
Swachchandamrutyu: to die at one’s own will, death having no control over one.
Sahakridanudarshanam: to see the sports of gods in heaven; have capacity and prowess to participate in it.
Yathaasamkalpa samsiddhi: to attain whatever is desired.
Ajnaapratihataagatih: whereby one’s command and movement have no obstruction
Highest Siddhi powers:
Anima: the reduction of one’s form to one atom. Invisibility
Mahima/Garima: the body can be made to be very heavy.
Laghima: the body can be made to be extremely light
Prapti: abilty to acquire objects of sense pertaining to the respective organs.
Prakaashya: to see invisible things in other realms.
Ishitaa: to stimulate bodies and creatures Control of forces of nature.
Vashita: to have control or dominion over the senses.
Yatkamastadavasyati: To obtain joy by willing it so. The cessation of misery and desire. This is considered to be the highest state of bliss
A Bodhisattva in becoming: Great humility is an essential ingredient on this path; those who develop Siddhis pray for it. Those who focus only on greed or profit through this process will reap but smoke. Those who assume the correct motivation with the quest to know nature and its operations and make use of this knowledge to reach the Creator—well, they will inherit the keys to the kingdom.
(c) B.Kaufmann 2010 and beyond
Yes, for those of us who SEE Michael Jackson, this article is very informative. I see him in much of what you wrote above, Barbara. This self-sacrificing trait brings much of Michael’s life into clearer focus, particularly the treatment meted out to him while a resident of this planet. He did sign up for the path he traversed to help gain our attention. Even the evil that befell him, he shouldered because it awakened some of us to his mission and his goals. We who came to SEE him as a result of those incidents of madness were the beneficiaries of his sacrifice and pain. God, I wish there had been some other way!
Of course, the parasol equals umbrella and the sensitivity to the sun is also Michael. The symbolism of hand gestures, too, speaks volumes. Michael’s most accustomed ‘Namaste’ gesture used so frequently by him in so many venues- on stage, at award shows, when greeting people. The Heart Purification siddhis are where I see Michael most. Your articles ‘tie-in’ so well with the esoteric studies and bring them into clear focus. For those who have never taken the time or been interested in studying such things, you bring them ‘down-to-earth’. We can all become closer to those concepts when we read your articles. Keep ’em coming! -Jan
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Just after Michael died so many people posted comments on numerous websites remembering the man and his music, since then there seems to have been a subtle shift in the way that we remember him. It was as if we were afraid to speak of what many people felt in their hearts, one or two ‘tested the water’ and made reference to his angelic qualities, his likeness to other great holy leaders. You, Barbara have never been afraid to say what you feel in the many articles you have written about him and other great peacemakers in our recent history. Michaels fans are becoming his followers now, we knew deep down there was something very special about this man, just couldn’t quite find the right words to explain it until now.
The more I learn about Michael, the more I am fascinated with him and who he was in this world of ours. I had to slow down and really think about what Barbara reveals about the man and his message and mission here. I find myself having to take a breath and be still–joy comes because it is all so true and a wrenching heartache because he’s gone. Who knew this journey would be so painful and joyous.
Barbara, thank you for the explanations. My life changed, completely, after June 25. We will never find out who Michael was in the media so I took to the Internet. It seems to me that I have learned more about life in general in this last 9 months then ever before. Michael opened my eyes. After hours of research every day, I am still surprised of things that I learn about Michael. How could one man ever do what he did? I think there are no words to describe him. But you succeed in “Inner Michael” in doing that as well as possible.
I would tell my friends and family that I have discovered a gold mine where you can dig gold endlessly, but not everybody would be interested to know about it. This is a spiritual gold mine that brings great spiritual enlightment and wealth and peace, happiness, joy, and so much more. People become so lonely, empty, and cannot find any satisfaction anymore, because material things do not bring salvation. People who don’t know Michael don’t know what they miss. But we can show them Michael’s real legacy in our behaviour, our good deeds, our kindness and compassion, and our patience, just like Michael showed us.
There are so many little details in this that make sense that it’s astounding. I have a hard time processing an actual “name” for this, because this truth is difficult to put into any human language. One can only understand and feel it. Thank you once more for your writing, there are so many aspects to this that it takes my breath away.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Barbara, thank you for the explanations. My life changed, completely, after June 25. We will never find out who Michael was in the media so I took to the Internet. It seems to me that I have learned more about life in general in this last 9 months then ever before. Michael opened my eyes. After hours of research every day, I am still surprised of things that I learn about Michael. How could one man ever do what he did? I think there are no words to describe him. But you succeed in “Inner Michael” in doing that as well as possible.
I would tell my friends and family that I have discovered a gold mine where you can dig gold endlessly, but not everybody would be interested to know about it. This is a spiritual gold mine that brings great spiritual enlightment and wealth and peace, happiness, joy, and so much more. People become so lonely, empty, and cannot find any satisfaction anymore, because material things do not bring salvation. People who don’t know Michael don’t know what they miss. But we can show them Michael’s real legacy in our behaviour, our good deeds, our kindness and compassion, and our patience, just like Michael showed us.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Just after Michael died so many people posted comments on numerous websites remembering the man and his music, since then there seems to have been a subtle shift in the way that we remember him. It was as if we were afraid to speak of what many people felt in their hearts, one or two ‘tested the water’ and made reference to his angelic qualities, his likeness to other great holy leaders. You, Barbara have never been afraid to say what you feel in the many articles you have written about him and other great peacemakers in our recent history. Michaels fans are becoming his followers now, we knew deep down there was something very special about this man, just couldn’t quite find the right words to explain it until now.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.
Like Jan said there is so much in the above article that is just so Michael. I remember you saying in an earlier article that you thought that Michael was a Bodhisattva. My goodness I can certainly see why. His work, his whole life takes on a different meaning after reading this, one area especially- the use of the umbrella. We all thought this was used as he had Vitiligo but there was a deeper meaning as was all his hand movements. I feel the truth and I know it, my heart tells me this is so. What a loss the world has suffered but Michael was not here in vain. His message is going from strength to strength.Your articles are so enlightening and you articulate so well that we can all understand but most importantly you just know the heart of Michael.