Inner Michael » Michael, Soulmaking and John

Michael, Soulmaking and John

Tibetan Mandala

They sometimes call me “Soulwhisperer.” A Soulwhisperer is someone who assists others in finding, linking with, communicating with and from their soul. It is a shamanic work of coaxing the soul to reveal itself and move forward. It is “soulmaking.” It is synonymous with “Inner Michael.” While “Inner Michael” refers to the deepest part or inner light of self and the soul, Michael Jackson the person, was all about holding space for that soulmaking- individual and planetary. Michael collected people and he whispered millions of souls.

Soulmaking is the art of speaking to the soul, finding the soul or making soul in your life and on the planet. “Soulmaking” doesn’t require definition; you know it; and you recognize it when you meet it. When the highest and finest expression of the human being is visible and shining through the personality, you can be sure the soul is engaged. Michael was an example of this; his work encouraged soulmaking in the individual and in the collective audience. His request of his audiences was to be about the business of soulmaking—in themselves and their world. This collective soulmaking is a hallmark of a teacher considered Bodhisattva or Avatar.

When someone encourages us to “make the world a better place that is a direct plea for making soul and soulmaking on the planet. Many of Michael’s songs are soulmaking ministrations.

The soul is the place where human meets the divine, where the poles of the human meet and merge and where takes place the melding of the opposites. It is the yin/yang, masculine/feminine and is the place where the Atman or god-man is born. The god-self is the “Inner Michael” in all of us. In some mystery traditions it is called the “permanent atom” or that which transcends this dimension and may be transformed, transfigured or even re-born in another incarnation.

It is significant that three fourths of the worlds’ population believes in reincarnation and the principle of rebirth in another, perhaps future lifetime. Reincarnation, in fact, was once part of the Christian Doctrines. Many faiths and traditions believe in a life after life or an afterlife. Most cultures hold myths and archetypes to be sacred especially addressing death, resurrection, ascension, transfiguration, and metamorphosis. Most cultures believe that some part of us survives death.

Higher principles, frequencies and vibrations are often contained within, depicted by and communicated through: Geometry. Geometric figures tend to indicate higher frequency realities. There is a whole range of study about sacred geometry. There is something inherently beautiful about standard formulas that, when applied to the world, make an elegant sense that appears quite otherworldly. There is an elegance in the advanced mathematics that construct the physical world and bleed over into quantum reality. God is in theorems and ratios and equations because it’s all just too elegant to be random happenstance. It appears to confirm some kind of intelligence behind the design. If there is thought, then there must be a thinker. If the evidence of thought is as stunning and eloquent as it is startling, then the thinker who created it must be also. Study chaos theory, quantum physics, Bell’s theorem, Non Locality, the Golden Mean, Fibonacci Sequence, Negative Entropy, geometry, physics and find God.

Nautilus seashell contains the Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Mean ratio

Symbols convey meaning; geometric and mathematic principles speak to the soul—of man and of the world, the Anima Mundi. The Atman, or soul-man is sometimes depicted as a Merkaba which is illustrated by two holographic triangles or pyramids intersecting- the bottom one upright and the top one upside down. The top depicts the soul and the bottom portion, the human. The narrow neck where they meet is the place where the human, incarnated in physical form, meets the soul. It appears similar to an hourglass shape. The pyramid figure has inherent power; Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, Native peoples and many other civilizations held pyramids and this knowledge sacred. The soul-infused personality refers to a person whose soul has infused or descended into the human. It is yet another description of the descending of the Holy Spirit as experienced by Jesus at the moment of his baptism by John The Baptist.

We are also told, and we know that whenever two or more are gathered together in like-mindedness, the effect of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The energy is squared. Inner Michael squared times an audience of 70,000 people is Inner Michael to the umpteenth power. And we know that the purpose of the gathering is important “whenever two or more are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst.” So what was the INTENTION and the PURPOSE of Michael Jackson concerts? Isn’t it “all for love?” Isn’t that what Michael said: “It’s all for the L.O.V.E.?” Wasn’t Michael constantly shouting “House lights; you’re beautiful! I LOVE YOU!” And how many times was that amplified and squared? Seventy thousand times? The magnitude of that love was the sound and experience of deep soulmaking—for everyone in that audience, for the world that received that energy released into the atmosphere of the collective and even now for those who watch that magic of Michael’s performances captured on DVD. Michael’s concerts were peak experiences because Michael was being John. Michael was baptizing his audiences in the frequency of love. Do the math. Love squared to infinity equals God.


  1. LMT said . . .

    I will have to read this over many times to understand completely. It’s the last line that reaches in and touches the soul–Love squared to infinity equals God. So humbling and wonderful to understand and know what kind of messenger that man was. A living, breathing channel through which God touched us–and he knew, too, didn’t he? Conscious decision to let it happen. And he was going to try to channel that to us again–and died trying. Even willing to bring his body up and down; spreading bits of that love to those
    surrounding him those last weeks. How much love his children must have felt and lived with. Oh my God. Thank you, Barbara.

    Posted April 10, 2010 at 4:22 am | Permalink
  2. EBIRN said . . .

    Beautiful, stunning words, as always. “Love squared to infinity equals God.” Wow. Bless you.

    Posted April 10, 2010 at 4:48 pm | Permalink
  3. BeGodsGlow said . . .

    “Michael was being John. Michael was baptizing his audiences in the frequency of love.” Yes, that’s exactly what it felt like too. L.O.V.E. squared to infinity.

    Posted April 10, 2010 at 10:04 pm | Permalink
  4. Anne UK said . . .

    Dear Barbara,
    Thank you for this article. I have to keep reading it as yet again you seem to have gone to the heart of Michael. You understand this man better than anyone else ever has. If only you had been destined to meet him, I really feel there could have been a very different outcome. In Michaels book “Dancing the Dream” there is a poem entitled “Are You Listening” in it there are two lines that came to mind when I first read your post yesterday They are: “I am the thinker, the thinking, the thought, I am the seeker, the seeking, the sought.”

    This has always been one of my favourite poems but yesterday after reading your post this poem really came alive for me. The whole poem is an enlightenment. I read that Michael was well read in the subjects of Quantum Physics, Native Civilisations and the Egyptians. Yes I certainly now think Michael did know why he was here; he always claimed all of his work came from the Divine but did any of us see the real meaning? Has the human race learned anything in 2000 years? I’m sure Michael was sent. “Love squared to infinity equals God.” Thank you Barbara for doing the maths for us.

    Posted April 11, 2010 at 12:16 pm | Permalink
  5. silvia diez said . . .

    Thanks Barbara! Great! Thank for all you write with L.O.V.E. Michael will be very happy. Me too! Thank you, one more time. God bless you and all people who read your blog! Peace and love for making the world a better place. Kisses from Spain.

    Posted April 11, 2010 at 11:41 pm | Permalink
  6. Charlene said . . .

    YES!! Thank you so much, Barbara, for defining “soulwhisperer.” [paragraph one] From the moment I started listening to his music again last summer, I have felt that something in Michael & his music was “coaxing my soul to reveal itself & move forward.” I have often used the term “whisper” when referring to the way I receive Michael’s messages. He has been speaking to my soul all along & he continues to encourage me & lift me up whenever I need it, guiding me on this amazing journey! As you said, it doesn’t require definition; I just know it; I have recognized it; & that’s all I need to know. My “Soulwhisperer” has been working in me bringing forth new, unexpected gifts, & courage to stay the course! I, too, believe Michael was sent for this purpose & I believe that he knew from a very young age. To see this being manifested in the world following his death is testimony to the excellent work he did while here on earth & speaks the truth of his existence.

    Posted April 12, 2010 at 4:45 am | Permalink
  7. Janet Matthews said . . .

    I was never fortunate enough to go to one of Michaels concerts but I can imagine the pure energy that would have been created, how could anyone ‘come down to earth’ after an experience like that? If we do get the chance to come back to this world in the future, I hope that Michael is there too. We may not remember our previous time here but his message will still be the same whatever form he takes and maybe something in our subconscious minds will remember and we will really listen to him and appreciate him. Until I read your article I had no idea of the real meaning of the word AVATAR, I do now. How strange that when I went to see THIS IS IT, the cinema was running the trailer for the film Avatar. I went to see this film twice and was entranced by it all and the idea of how life is all interconnected. I kept thinking of Michael the whole way through the film and thought how much he would have loved to have seen it because although he hated violence there were messages there that he was always trying to show us. When I walked out of the cinema the real world seemed so grey and colourless, a bit like I imagine you would feel when Michael left the stage at one of his concerts. How lucky we are to have his music and images with us always. Thank you so much for your lovely words. [ See “Who’s the Bad Avatar?” Feb Archive -BK]

    Posted April 12, 2010 at 8:08 pm | Permalink
  8. Nicole P-H said . . .

    To Barbara and all the people who are reading her inspired words and posting so many soulful comments:
    It took Michael’s departure for me to really “meet” him. Since he passed my heart and soul have been uncontrollably overwhelmed with so much sadness and so much L O V E for that man whom I call: “BROTHER.” Before finding this beautiful website and the spiritual work Barbara is doing, I’ve felt lonely because I could not explain to others (or even to myself) the spiritual impact that Michael’s “death” had on me. I remember thinking that “we” (meaning Mankind and this planet) had lost a LIGHT. Now, I know and understand that my personal experience is part of a global and spiritual journey for all of us TOGETHER, with Barbara’s guidance. I feel blessed being able to understand and feel deep in my soul “who” Michael really was, to feel the beauty and the power of his artistry and the true L O V E inside of it, and to have met you all and be a part of this with all of you. Now, I still miss Michael but my sadness is mixed with profound JOY. Please, dear Barbara, keep on guiding us ! And may God bless each one of you. -Nicole P-H (from France)

    Posted April 14, 2010 at 8:57 am | Permalink
  9. Kim said . . .

    Thank you for your inspiring and insightful words about the “Soulwhisperer.” I echo the others here. As I get to know the true man who Michael was, I feel very honored and blessed to have lived inthe same lifetime here on Earth as Michael. Michael’s passing from this Earth awakened many many people, including me. I watch his DVDs in a different way now. Michael was well-read in the subjects of Quantum Physics, Native Civilizations and the Egyptians. I am not surprised; he loved to read and was well versed in these subjects. Did Michael truly know what his purpose was? Perhaps he knew. I believe that he knew that he couldn’t stop trying to bring light, love and hope to everyone. Maybe somewhere in the future, my soul will meet Michael’s soul. His loving spirit inspires me that much. Thank you again and please keep writing. Blessings.

    Posted April 18, 2010 at 3:30 am | Permalink
  10. Greet Boete Belgium said . . .

    Thank you again Barbara. We, those who have been touched by Michael are all so closely connected. I am sure we all feel the same. This is a wonder, a miracle to me. How could that happen. I wonder if he really knew who he was, and if he did, how difficult it must have been to live with that. He tried to explain us, but it is so difficult to understand. Now I understand it better. But there is still a lot to learn. I feel so blessed to be in this, and I am happy to have found this site.

    Posted April 22, 2010 at 6:30 pm | Permalink
  11. marga1961 said . . .

    Michael was a very intelligent man, so are his kids. He was interested in so many cultures and their habits. He could have been an old Mayan soul. I believe his mother Katherine had Indian blood! I’m reading a book now about the Maya culture; they were special people with special talents and they were highly sensitive (just like Michael). They knew everything about the Universe. Michael was very interested in the Universe too. Maya means: illusion– the favorite word Michael uses! I have read Michaels book Dancing the Dream– the poems, the touching story’s about the animals, children and the Planet: unbelievable!! My favorite book. He was such a special soul full of L.O.V.E. Rev. B thanx so much for your articles, they are lovely and touching.

    Posted April 22, 2010 at 7:38 pm | Permalink
  12. Patrick said . . .

    YES!! Thank you so much, Barbara, for defining “soulwhisperer.” [paragraph one] From the moment I started listening to his music again last summer, I have felt that something in Michael & his music was “coaxing my soul to reveal itself & move forward.” I have often used the term “whisper” when referring to the way I receive Michael’s messages. He has been speaking to my soul all along & he continues to encourage me & lift me up whenever I need it, guiding me on this amazing journey! As you said, it doesn’t require definition; I just know it; I have recognized it; & that’s all I need to know. My “Soulwhisperer” has been working in me bringing forth new, unexpected gifts, & courage to stay the course! I, too, believe Michael was sent for this purpose & I believe that he knew from a very young age. To see this being manifested in the world following his death is testimony to the excellent work he did while here on earth & speaks the truth of his existence.

    Posted April 25, 2010 at 2:51 am | Permalink
  13. Brian said . . .

    I was never fortunate enough to go to one of Michaels concerts but I can imagine the pure energy that would have been created, how could anyone ‘come down to earth’ after an experience like that? If we do get the chance to come back to this world in the future, I hope that Michael is there too. We may not remember our previous time here but his message will still be the same whatever form he takes and maybe something in our subconscious minds will remember and we will really listen to him and appreciate him. Until I read your article I had no idea of the real meaning of the word AVATAR, I do now. How strange that when I went to see THIS IS IT, the cinema was running the trailer for the film Avatar. I went to see this film twice and was entranced by it all and the idea of how life is all interconnected. I kept thinking of Michael the whole way through the film and thought how much he would have loved to have seen it because although he hated violence there were messages there that he was always trying to show us. When I walked out of the cinema the real world seemed so grey and colourless, a bit like I imagine you would feel when Michael left the stage at one of his concerts. How lucky we are to have his music and images with us always. Thank you so much for your lovely words. [ See “Who’s the Bad Avatar?” Feb Archive -BK]

    Posted April 25, 2010 at 10:13 am | Permalink
  14. Ian said . . .

    I was never fortunate enough to go to one of Michaels concerts but I can imagine the pure energy that would have been created, how could anyone ‘come down to earth’ after an experience like that? If we do get the chance to come back to this world in the future, I hope that Michael is there too. We may not remember our previous time here but his message will still be the same whatever form he takes and maybe something in our subconscious minds will remember and we will really listen to him and appreciate him. Until I read your article I had no idea of the real meaning of the word AVATAR, I do now. How strange that when I went to see THIS IS IT, the cinema was running the trailer for the film Avatar. I went to see this film twice and was entranced by it all and the idea of how life is all interconnected. I kept thinking of Michael the whole way through the film and thought how much he would have loved to have seen it because although he hated violence there were messages there that he was always trying to show us. When I walked out of the cinema the real world seemed so grey and colourless, a bit like I imagine you would feel when Michael left the stage at one of his concerts. How lucky we are to have his music and images with us always. Thank you so much for your lovely words. [ See “Who’s the Bad Avatar?” Feb Archive -BK]

    Posted April 26, 2010 at 10:32 am | Permalink
  15. Charles said . . .

    Michael was a very intelligent man, so are his kids. He was interested in so many cultures and their habits. He could have been an old Mayan soul. I believe his mother Katherine had Indian blood! I’m reading a book now about the Maya culture; they were special people with special talents and they were highly sensitive (just like Michael). They knew everything about the Universe. Michael was very interested in the Universe too. Maya means: illusion– the favorite word Michael uses! I have read Michaels book Dancing the Dream– the poems, the touching story’s about the animals, children and the Planet: unbelievable!! My favorite book. He was such a special soul full of L.O.V.E. Rev. B thanx so much for your articles, they are lovely and touching.

    Posted April 27, 2010 at 3:23 am | Permalink
  16. William said . . .

    I was never fortunate enough to go to one of Michaels concerts but I can imagine the pure energy that would have been created, how could anyone ‘come down to earth’ after an experience like that? If we do get the chance to come back to this world in the future, I hope that Michael is there too. We may not remember our previous time here but his message will still be the same whatever form he takes and maybe something in our subconscious minds will remember and we will really listen to him and appreciate him. Until I read your article I had no idea of the real meaning of the word AVATAR, I do now. How strange that when I went to see THIS IS IT, the cinema was running the trailer for the film Avatar. I went to see this film twice and was entranced by it all and the idea of how life is all interconnected. I kept thinking of Michael the whole way through the film and thought how much he would have loved to have seen it because although he hated violence there were messages there that he was always trying to show us. When I walked out of the cinema the real world seemed so grey and colourless, a bit like I imagine you would feel when Michael left the stage at one of his concerts. How lucky we are to have his music and images with us always. Thank you so much for your lovely words. [ See “Who’s the Bad Avatar?” Feb Archive -BK]

    Posted April 27, 2010 at 5:51 am | Permalink
  17. Joseph said . . .

    Thank you again Barbara. We, those who have been touched by Michael are all so closely connected. I am sure we all feel the same. This is a wonder, a miracle to me. How could that happen. I wonder if he really knew who he was, and if he did, how difficult it must have been to live with that. He tried to explain us, but it is so difficult to understand. Now I understand it better. But there is still a lot to learn. I feel so blessed to be in this, and I am happy to have found this site.

    Posted April 27, 2010 at 5:19 pm | Permalink
  18. Jonathan said . . .

    Michael was a very intelligent man, so are his kids. He was interested in so many cultures and their habits. He could have been an old Mayan soul. I believe his mother Katherine had Indian blood! I’m reading a book now about the Maya culture; they were special people with special talents and they were highly sensitive (just like Michael). They knew everything about the Universe. Michael was very interested in the Universe too. Maya means: illusion– the favorite word Michael uses! I have read Michaels book Dancing the Dream– the poems, the touching story’s about the animals, children and the Planet: unbelievable!! My favorite book. He was such a special soul full of L.O.V.E. Rev. B thanx so much for your articles, they are lovely and touching.

    Posted April 28, 2010 at 12:58 am | Permalink
  19. Bill said . . .

    Thank you again Barbara. We who have been touched by Michael are all so closely connected and we all feel the same. This is a wonder, a miracle to me. How could that happen? I wonder if he really knew who he was, and if he did, how difficult it must have been to live with that. He tried to explain us, but it is so difficult to understand. Now I understand it better. But there is still a lot to learn. I feel so blessed to be in this, and I am happy to have found this site.

    Posted April 28, 2010 at 4:54 am | Permalink

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