Thirteen million years ago the earth began to form this sacred place. Subterranean springs replenish this well in the earth in the amount of a million and a half gallons per day. The water maintains a year round temperature of 76 degrees.
This is Montezuma Well in Arizona. If you look closely, you will see Montezuma’s fortress high up in the canyon wall.
As we speak, the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers are holding ceremony at Montezuma’s well in the desert. They are accompanied by 300 women who are “Titans ” interested in healing this planet.
World Water Day is Saturday, March 22 and on that day many elders, tribes and Earth stewards will gather and hold ceremony that includes setting intention for clearing the waters and will include praying over and for the waters.
The United Nations has declared this day World Water Day in hopes of bringing attention to the state of the waters of Earth and their part in energy and sustainability. Without water, human life can not continue.
Wherever you are on Earth on this day, please take a few moments to do ceremony and pray for all the waters of the Earth and for more awareness of human stewardship of this precious resource. You might want to play Earthsong or smudge or send a prayer to the heavens with drumming. However you choose to participate, the Earth thanks you.
While not everyone agrees with Dr. Emoto’s work with water, we know that intention and energy affects the ecosystem. Water, it seems, reacts to human intention. All is energy. The highest form of energy is LOVE.
Please do it all for LOVE.
Here is some information on water, the 13 grandmothers and on World Water Day.
How thoughts affect water:
United Nations World Water Day:
Thirteen Grandmothers:
Earth Song: