Official message from the estate of Michael Jackson:
(Response from the Co-Executors of the Estate to “the nonsense:”)
“As MJ said, just because you read it in a magazine does not make it factual… we personally detest these supposed news organizations that profit at Michael’s expense. We hope the fans can stay vigilant with us in protecting Michael’s legacy. We hope everyone has the opportunity to see the MJ ONE show… that’s the real Michael.”
Thank you for remaining vigilant with the Estate in protecting Michael’s Legacy.”
Recent letters from readers:
“Thank you Rev. Barbara. Yes, I have seen it too, from the fans. I don’t like it, but they have to be willing to realize that what they do is not what Michael was talking about. We are all blind in certain areas I think. Today I read another tabloid piece in the Mirror, so again millions of fans and the general public will be exposed to “Michael buying off victims of molestation”.
It is a pity, when I try to “change” something, that I cannot even mention who’s inspiring me for making that change. I have to keep silent and not mention Michael, because then indeed, I am not taken seriously. But these people don’t even know how fans react, they only see the headlines. So whatever happens in the fan base, the tabloids are still the worst and first source for the character assassination of Michael (and his “decent” fans- which he has in great numbers).
And some years ago I wrote letters to several newspapers, in form and style like you mentioned in your article, with respect and dignity. One journalist answered, that he would still use “W…J…cko” in future publications. He argued, that this was one way of referring to MJ and that it was inevitable that it would be used in the future. I don’t know Rev. Barbara what kind of people some of these “journalists” are. If they would be decent, would they write such garbage anyway ? Do they “see”, “Notice”, or “Understand” decently written letters or comments ? Or do they simply “ignore them” and only focus on the badly written ? Sometimes I really doubt some of them.”
And another:
“Barbara, I am really upset and tired of this. To be a MJ fan is so painful. All our attempts to vindicate him with the truth, showing the real MJ are countered by these publications. Until when? This is very painful. Poor Katherine, Paris Prince and Blanket.”
My response:
Just yesterday I met yet another person in Michael Jackson’s life who was close to him and among those in the orbit of Michael Jackson’s artistry in the music industry. And yet again, I heard what an incredibly kind and generous person he was. And considerate to a fault.
People are hungry for something, for a change. They don’t know what to call it or what it is. They are tired of the constant struggle to maintain balance and a positive outlook. The tabloids are on their way out and the editors know it. The last gasp before the death rattle.
And don’t forget the AEG trial attorneys’ threat: “This will get ugly.” Who do you suppose is behind this latest charge forward and barrage of character assassination? Keep reminding the public that the “powers that be” are being sued for billions. This is all about money.
But it is being exposed how callous and uncaring is big business and the entertainment industry. It is so uncaring and unfeeling that a child who attempted to end her life is now fodder for entertainment on the front pages of a “publication.” It doesn’t matter to them that she was bullied in school because of the latest “expose” about her father. It doesn’t matter to the accuser. It doesn’t matter to Rupert Murdoch or his minions. What is being role modeled to the world by Murdoch and the other shadowy “entertainment” peddlers is bullying of a minor child. What is being said is in effect that children don’t matter and they are exploitable and expendable. It’s child abuse, plain and simple.
It’s intellectual pornography. It’s an insult to human decency and integrity. It’s not humane.
Make it known to your local market that you want this to stop. You don’t want minor children, school aged children or teens exposed to this bullying and pornography. Tell them it is a horrible thing to role model to children.
Call them up or go to the store manager and let them know that this stuff offends you and you refuse to bring your children through an aisle or spend money in a store that exposes your minor child to child abuse (like Paris Jackson on the cover) and intellectual pornography. Use the terminology: “Abuse” and “pornography.” Make it clear not only will you not consume it, but you do not want your children exposed to it for it is role modeling bullying to your child. Tell this this stuff is endangering the lives of children for they are learning how to bully from this “industry.” Tell them you feel these publications are contributing to the suicides of children. Tell them you want it to stop.
What if a million Michael Jackson fans contacted 10 markets each? That’s 10 million phone calls or requests to STOP! In fact, call until they take this stuff down.
Let me know what you need.
Recent comments:
Nina, the complaints about this are real. People are tired of the infighting. This is my blog, Nina and no, it is not necessary to ‘hang on my every word’- that’s not a requirement. Send me a link to your work and I will post it. I am interested in meeting contemporary needs if I can. That is my agenda; those needs are immediate.
The collective voice is already well informed and weary with futility. There are deep needs and requests right now and it’s not for “conversation” or argument. There are complaints about infighting, friendly fire among fans, territorial grandstanding, bullying, divisiveness and the lack of civility. People are weary. There is fear that goes far beyond Michael Jackson and that tries to grapple wide issues that concern already thoughtful people. They’ve had the debates; they understand the issues; they know what’s at stake. They want to move forward not discuss it. And they want to change the world. I say ‘God Bless ‘em.” ~Barbara
“You have spoken and written about education projects, Barbara; and as a teacher myself, I find engaged and sometimes passionate discussion essential to the learning process.
But from what you are saying—about “intellectual calisthenics,” “hairsplitting,” and so forth—it seems clear that what most interests you is not conversation, but a handful of loyal adherents who are prepared to hang upon your every word.
So I’ll refrain from producing or consuming any more (hot) air in your precious room…. which, without taking risks, without encouraging an atmosphere of spirited discussion (and, yes, even debate) can only be a vacuous and suffocating space anyway.” ~Nina
Um……. okay, Barbara. ~Nina
Nina, I think this is not the time for debate and splitting hairs or intellectual calisthenics. In fact I have had complaints about this very thing. It is nothing but air and takes all the air from the room. This tabloid nonsense is indeed pornography- mind pornography. It pollutes the mind and encourages violence. And it is completely obscene. Anyone who exposes a child to this and all the children who must witness it is introducing toxic waste into the mindstream of mass consciousness. We deserve better. Our children deserve better. It is not time for argument. It is time for action.
“Thanks, Barbara. There are many ways to address these problems, and protesting the supermarket’s peddling of these wares may be one of them. I want you to know that I share your disgust at these tabloids, and I shudder to think that there are people who actually probably believe what they read in them. They are abusive on many levels.
That said, I think that describing this material (to supermarket staff or anyone else) as “pornography” would be ineffective and/or misleading. While the “pornography” may function as a powerful metaphor, the term has *specific* meanings in specific historical contexts, and I think it’s important to attend to these and respect them. As a term, “pornography” is itself somewhat sensational and overdetermined. The word is most often associated with obscenity. Wikipedia defines it this way:
“ […] the explicit portrayal of sexual subject matter for the purpose of sexual gratification. Pornography may use a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photos, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, film, video, and video games.”Language, of course, is a lot more mutable than what the dictionary definition provides. In recent decades, “pornography” has become a label that gets attached—usually for polemical purposes—to many different kinds of material, by a whole variety of different interest groups and movements. From the banning of certain books (like D.H. Lawrence’s “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”) to Supreme Court cases where these bans have been challenged, to the polemics of some feminist groups who have proposed city ordinances to ban pornography on the grounds that it encourages violence towards women, “pornography” remains an highly laden term that often elicits a strong emotional reaction. Like other such terms (“rape,” for example, used to cover a multitude of abuses), I think it’s essential that we use this word WISELY, or not at all.
For those who care about Michael Jackson’s legacy and, more broadly, about creating a better world in his spirit, I think the most effective forms of redress will not be to create structures of prohibition, but rather to make music, write poems, make films, write books, and create dances that in a collective way will make it possible for more and more better speech, images, and stories can come to the surface. It takes a long time for these changes to be known; but eventually, I believe these efforts will replace one meme with another.
At Forest Lawn Cemetery on June 25, the fourth anniversary of Michael’s death, there was a beautiful and heartfelt quilt displayed. (There’s a video of it on YouTube). It had been made by a group of Japanese fans, and sent to the US to express love and honor Michael’s memory. This is one example among many. There’s more writing and blogging (of which Inner Michael” is a part) than ever before about Michael’s extraordinary legacy as an artist and a human being.
To take heart, we can acknowledge that a whole generation of kids is growing up without that absurd “Wacko” meme. They are being turned on to his music, his dancing, and stories of his kindness and generosity. Some elements of the old tropes will persist, but they’ll fade more and more into the background as the other elements of Michael’s story take their place.”
“Just yesterday I met yet another person in Michael Jackson’s life who was close to him in the orbit of the music industry. And yet again, I heard what an incredibly kind and generous person he was. The tabloids are on their way out and they know it. And don’t forget the AEG trial attorneys’ threat: “This will get ugly.” Who do you suppose it behind this latest foray of character assassination? Keep reminding the public that the “powers that be” are being sued for billions. This is all about money.
Let them know in your supermarket that this stuff offends you and you refuse to bring your children through an aisle or spend money in a store that exposes your minor child to child abuse (Paris Jackson on the cover) and intellectual pornography. Use the terminology: “Abuse” and “pornography.” Make it clear not only will you not consume it, but you do not want your children exposed. More about this later.” ~B
“Thank you Rev. Barbara. Yes, I have seen it too, from the fans. I don’t like it, but they have to be willing to realize that what they do is not what Michael was talking about. We are all blind in certain areas I think. Today I read another tabloid piece in the Mirror, so again millions of fans and the general public will be exposed to “Michael buying off victims of molestation”.
It is a pity, when I try to “change” something, that I cannot even mention who’s inspiring me for making that change. I have to keep silent and not mention Michael, because then indeed, I am not taken seriously. But these people don’t even know how fans react, they only see the headlines. So whatever happens in the fan base, the tabloids are still the worst and first source for the character assassination of Michael (and his “decent” fans- which he has in great numbers).
And some years ago I wrote letters to several newspapers, in form and style like you mentioned in your article, with respect and dignity. One journalist answered, that he would still use “W…J…cko” in future publications. He argued, that this was one way of referring to MJ and that it was inevitable that it would be used in the future. I don’t know Rev. Barbara what kind of people some of these “journalists” are. If they would be decent, would they write such garbage anyway ? Do they “see”, “Notice”, or “Understand” decently written letters or comments ? Or do they simply “ignore them” and only focus on the badly written ? Sometimes I really doubt some of them.” G.
“I too am fortunate in that I am not that exposed to the bickering and in-fighting amongst the “fans”. I am not that exposed because I AVOID IT ON PURPOSE.
Who ever said Twitter, Facebook, or other forms of social cattle drive drivel were important or mandatory? You BECOME whatever you give your thoughts to. GIVE UP? COULD HAVE BEEN? WHAT????? All because of a few infants??? Isn’t it time for the ADULTS to take the helm?
Every family has it’s brats, and unfortunately, it’s always the brats that get all the attention. What ever happened to Michael’s words…..”I don’t care how many times you fail…..get up and do it again until it’s done right.”
WHAT DO YOU SUPPOSE HE MUST THINK? ALL THE PAIN AND SUFFERING HE WAS FORCED TO ENDURE FOR US, THIS IS HOW WE THANK HIM??? He wants us to get to work! One day you might actually stand before him, you who proclaim to love him. Will you be proud NOW IT’S COMING FROM HIS OWN LEGACY??? By claiming to “love him” and then proceeding to behave just like the rest of the world? Well, I think that is the ultimate disrespect towards him. But cheer up. The misbehaved are the few. WE are the many.” ~H.
“Beautifully expressed. I empathize. Perhaps we have a spark here. Thank you.” ~B.
“I feel so extremely fortunate that I am fairly unaware of the in-fighting that goes on in the fan community. I’ve definitely seen instances and heard of more in which fans voices were anything but reflective of the legacy they wished to be a part of, but as an introvert who doesn’t often feel comfortable identifying within a group or being part of group activities or communities, much of the vitriol and gossip and slander has, thankfully, escaped me. Those who are part of my “MJ world” are lovely, open-minded, love-driven people who truly are living from their hearts and in the spirit of the legacy they wish to uphold( as with this community here, where I have been more involved than I usually ever am).
However, I have keenly felt the transition from Hope and unity to a degradation back into individuation, into protecting territory, into ego, and into what I can only term small-mindedness– a return to the daily grind that we’ve been told is important, a return to the status quo that Michael and many other visionaries have risen such greats heights above to show us what we CAN be. I’ve felt my incredibly strong faith and energy dwindle as I see movement after movement– Occupy, uprisings across the globe, activism against specific political and social issues– rise up, ignite…and them either fizzle out or get snuffed out to keep the corrupt order that pretends to be democracy in this world.
I’ve felt loss of hope seeping in, battling with the sensation and intuition that Change is Here.. that the tides must truly be turning, everywhere I look there are signs, there are currents and there are swells. I want good to win, i want liberty and equality to win, I want LOVE to win…but I am afraid, afraid that we as humans have gone too far, have become too corrupted in our values — have learned only to survive instead of thrive, to manage individually instead of communally because we are herded into that mentality from such an early age that we don’t know how to break free of the bondage ‘to emancipate ourselves from mental slavery’ in the words of another visionary artist. I want so badly to rise up, and yet I know intimately what a deep, long, and wearying battle it is going to be, to ward off all my pre-programmed thinking and ways of being and be able to truly walk in the light of love, even when faced with opposition, with hatred, with anger and fear.
Michael lit the way, he still does, and daily a deeper understanding dawns on me about what incredible strength of spirit and will he must have had his entire life, to withstand the bullying and malevolence of this world. Thank you for your words…they have lighted a spark of anger in me again, which I hope to use to galvanize myself to do more, to bring myself closer to the flame and BE that flame uncompromisingly. Thank you.”
This news is already in all the newspapers, TV too. Newspapers that are said serious and objective have posted the defamatory note against MJ. Are not even leaving the reader to question it. They are claiming that MJ molested 24 children … would have the reader ask yourself these questions: Where were their parents when this happened? what kind of parents sell their silence in complicity with a child molester? The FBI investigated MJ during 10 years and did not find anything incriminating against him. Then an organization like the FBI is lying?? Is the U.S. justice system so corrupt and able to sell to MJ a verdict of not guilty to all charges in 2005?
Barbara this is not in our hands now. This is a wave of violence against the legacy of MJ … indeed AEG is behind of this. This is very cruel. Thanks Barbara.
These are the very questions that must be asked. Yes, this is not in our hands.
Yes my heart is breaking as I read this. My anger is coming back. I’m in agreement with Dalia’s last statement of “Barbara this is not in our hands now. This is a wave of violence against the legacy of MJ … indeed AEG is behind of this. This is very cruel.” When I read this, I felt a deep pain in my heart. I hope what you say is true that the tabloids are on their way out If this is the case, they are certainly going down fighting hard and at the expense of Michael Jackson and his daughter…sigh 🙁
I will back you up Rev B on being done with the intellectual calisthenics/gymnastics/sparring – respectfully, semantic jousting is unfortunately too beside the point at this stage, and in my opinion always was since the ominous shock wave from Michael’s death rolled in.
I believe we do not have time to indulge ourselves, however mentally stimulating, in this kind of gaming and for a long time have been finding my self saying yes but, what are we going to DO??
I think words like pornography and abuse are required specifically because they are charged enough to maybe, just maybe start waking people up, and also because anything as obscene as what AEG has been unleashing on the man they helped put in the ground is well worthy of the monikers.
Yes, we need to establish the linguistics that will get attention and conscript those who are tired of the manipulation. Words are power. What do you call it when someone deliberately targets the lowest common denominator, aims below the belt and in the region of the sex organs? It’s pornography. Mental pornography.
What do you call it when someone deliberately grooms an audience to dehumanize and make bullying easier and then carves up real human beings in public spectacle and serves them up to those who consume what is offered? I call it cannibalism.
It’s sadistic. Period. It is conscripting human shadow and the lowest strata of human emotions to wake up and appeal to the reptilian brain and speak to the inner beast. What do you call that? And exactly how does that provide a public service to humanity? What do you call it when the darkest side of human nature is called forth instead of the light and compassion within when Jesus himself and so many great teachers like him talked of the “Christ in you, hope of glory,” the divinity within, the light of heart or compassion, the grail and the miracles which we all might do even better than he?