Inner Michael » B. Kaufmann

Author Archives: B. Kaufmann

Michael Jackson on Trial Again or: “Who are you being?”

Michael Jackson was always on trial for something. Michael Jackson was on trial his whole life. Michael Jackson has been on trial his whole death. Michael Jackson is on trial once again. Or maybe there is something else on trial? The truth? Avarice? Corporate greed? Justice? Society? Ethics? The culture? The world? Humanity? Here’s another […]

All for LOVE

This Inner Michael journey began with remembering “We Are the World” when I heard the news of Michael Jackson’s passing. The record was a 33 1/3 LP or “long play” record album then played on a phonograph, the system introduced by Columbia Records. “We are the world” echoed through our home as it was a […]

The Elephants Know: Earth Day 2013

Taking time out from our conversation to honor Earth Day, we remember Michael Jackson’s Earth Song and how he attempted to bring attention to the plight of the planet– from poisoning the air to the extinction of species. No other artist before him couched a plea for planetary stewardship. Jarvis Cocker certainly didn’t get the message […]

Holy dancing molecules, Batman! (or)

WHAT’S YOUR VIBE? In order to even want to seek enlightenment, one must first be awakened. We live in the trance of the modern world with its emphasis on ego-related gain– money, fame, status. That trance has cost us. We are hypnotized into believing that our salvation, and our search for meaning lies in “accumulation.” […]

Molecules and the Dance of Creation

Science just found the god particle. The theory that there is one, has been around for a long time and was in fact, introduced by Physicist Peter Higgs in 1964. The Hadron Collider (CERN) in Switzerland saw evidence of the particle last week. Why is that important? Well, Einstein theorized there had to be a […]

The Molecular Future- Community

At “the roots of any grief, of any struggle, resides a pilgrimage into deeper mysteries, deeper awareness, deeper understanding. This is initiation, where we experience a compression that hurts like hell, but that pushes and propels the life force forward into flow once more. We may feel as though everything has become sensitized, raw and […]

Molecular Light

“A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.” ~Gandhi “What’s Love Got to Do With It?” ~Tina Turner “Exhibiting” love means not censoring but demonstrating it in public. And love has everything to do with it. And someday that will be common knowledge. There is a new science and new studies […]

Monstre Sacre`and the Molecules – continue the legend?

A Monstre Sacre` is someone who is held out as unusual, different or so “out there” as to be not only beyond understanding but untouchable. The origin is French and the translation is “sacred monster” but the feel of that defies translation. There is a mystery that surrounds the Monstre Sacre` and legends often spring up […]

Molecules and the “Monstre Sacre`”

Those who contribute most “monstrously” to the world with their art live in an alternate reality, breathe rarefied air, bump up against agony or insanity regularly and “dance to a different drummer.” Their lives are often as Robert Frost’s also “The Road not Taken–” Michaelangelo’s Sistine prayer in paint; Pythagoras’ world of in vivo mathematics; Frank Lloyd […]

Change the Molecules, Change the World I

There are those people who, when they walk into the room, the air changes. The molecules sizzle and time seems to stand still. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar can do that; the Dalai Lama does it. Ram Dass told me that when his teacher and guru Neem Karoli Baba held Satsang, students who came in to study with him got whiplash […]