Inner Michael » B. Kaufmann

Author Archives: B. Kaufmann

In the Studio with MJ

“They don’t make music like that anymore” is not just a cliché. Especially not in this case. They literally don’t make music like that anymore. In a dark cavern-like atmosphere high in an office building somewhere in New York City in classic tradition of the “Rock ‘n Roll studio complete with red and black curtains, a man stands in the front […]

A Tattered Heart Loves Well

Let’s all take a deep collective breath and see if we can settle and center into a kind of balance where we can sense our togetherness. We are here. Can you feel it? Let’s dive deeply into our hearts. If you go there energetically, you’ll find some jagged edges, crinkled ends, dog-eared pages, little chips […]

Tell them over and over.

Official message from the estate of Michael Jackson: (Response from the Co-Executors of the Estate to “the nonsense:”) “As MJ said, just because you read it in a magazine does not make it factual… we personally detest these supposed news organizations that profit at Michael’s expense. We hope the fans can stay vigilant with us […]

An Instrument of Nature…

June 25, 2013. “However, today, when I create my music, I feel like an instrument of nature. I wonder what delight nature must feel when we open our hearts and express our god-given talents. The sound of approval rolls across the universe, and the whole world abounds in magic, wonder fills our hearts, for what […]

What Didn’t Happen

I left “OZ, The Great and Powerful” and stopped into the supermarket for a couple of things on my way home. I needed OZ. I needed some lightness of being. The last few weeks have been extremely stressful for lots of reasons. Personal reasons and the universal reasons. You all feel it. You know it. […]

Once Upon A Girl There Was a Time:

Artists- Disposable People? Children- just “Collateral damage?”

Once upon a time there was a little girl born to an unusual man. A man who loved children and who preached with his words, his music and his actions, that the children of the world are everybody’s responsibility. He was a member of the “It Takes A Village” to raise a child clan. He […]

While you’re waiting…

For Enlightenment… (that’s a joke, but not really) Lots of people are asking me to write about the current situation. I will. Discernment in these things takes a little time. A new post is a work-in-progress. Meanwhile, let’s respect the family’s wish for privacy and to keep calm and send prayers and a big wave […]

There is no Love under the Bus

This period may go down in the history books as one of the darkest times in human communication and interaction. Humanity has certainly had its dark epidemic moments: the Black Death; the Budonic Plague; the insanity that funded a Cold War and its MAD policy (Mutually Assured Destruction or the end of life on Earth;) Witch […]

What is not being said is screaming.

Body language is not considered an exact science but then neither is medicine. I contacted Craig James Baxter as I am sure many others did to see what he might say about the Wade Robson interview with Matt Lauer. Here is what he sent to Inner Michael:       I had read Baxter’s book “What […]

Who is on trial?

Do you feel that ache? The one that originates just under your sternum, and radiates down to your solar plexus and then outward? Yes, that’s the ache of WIFS, the well informed futility syndrome. It happens when you know too much. It happens when you know something in the world is very, very wrong and you know why but […]