Inner Michael » A Warm Michael Fuzzy

A Warm Michael Fuzzy

When people actually met Michael Jackson or spent any time with him their recollections of him are so widely different than those who never met him yet wrote about him or set themselves up as “experts” on his life. One wonders, why is that?

There are more complicated reasons for these contradictions that will be featured in future posts but the simple one is that those people who never met him are citing their own projections—as attributes of the object upon whom they are projecting (in this case, Michael.) That’s how shadow works. When we disown something in ourselves, we project it onto others. Or we see in others or accuse them of the very ingredients in our own internal shadow. If someone makes us uncomfortable for reasons we are not conscious of, it’s common to project those dark attributes because we cannot bear to acknowledge them in self. It’s a psychological mind trick we play on ourselves to distract our attention away from our own identifications. We unconsciously bury or repress shadow within ourselves. We cannot bear to expose that dark side even to us. So to keep it from landing too close to home—we “see” those attributes in others, then condemn them.

It’s all smoke and mirrors. There it is again—that mirror thing. Michael Jackson was the best mirror this world has ever seen but hasn’t yet identified. The man in the mirror was the mirror. For many, for the culture, for the world. For anyone who couldn’t accept themselves or felt helpless to overcome their own unrecognized self-condemnation. Some of the things in that mirror: poverty, race, sexuality, gender, lack of talent, lack of self esteem, repressed belief in personal inadequacy, homo-erotic feelings, suppressed or repressed attraction toward other races and same gender persons, feelings of emasculation and de-femininization (the anima in males and the animus in females,) belief in a brighter tomorrow or not, belief in the ability to change circumstances or not, responsibility in the world and for the world, and personal life mission… and so much more. Just Michael’s presence as a larger than life individual could and would threaten those with inadequacies or traits that challenged them or their idealized sense of self.

Michael Jackson could and did mirror all those things—the things that are paradoxes, dichotomies or contradictions in humanity. For the haves/have nots; for the African American/Causasian or black/white he was brother/betrayer; for women he was boyish/sexy, black/sexy, feminine/sexy—all the conflicting and forbidden desires in female sexuality; for males he was a feminine/sexy, masculine/gentle, territorial/universal and a threat—to gender and sexual identity and any insecurity or confusion. To the world that likes to define, he was undefineable; for a world demaning explanation, he was unexplainable. He was otherworldly in so many ways and yet ordinary in others. He was and his stature was unreachable/desirable. And he kept changing. He kept pushing the boundaries. He kept asking us to be responsible for things that we would rather ignore. He was a confounding puzzle and people like to have answers. The world was not ready for Michael Jackson.

But there was a portion of the world that knew him, understood him or not, accepted him, loved him, admired him and knew he loved them right back. They knew his kindness, his warmth and his heart; they understood his need to be relevant; instead of being upset with his constant shapeshifting, they were delighted with it. And they loved unconditionally because that’s how he loved. That love was rare, unusual yet genuine; it had no boundaries yet was misunderstood and because there was no name for it and no precedecessor, he and it were crammed into a pigeonhole that they didn’t fit or resemble. But there are those who know. Those who felt. They are his fans or his acquaintances, colleagues or friends—those who actually knew, worked with him or met him. It’s “the minds of those who know.”

Last month MJTP featured Jonathan Moffet, someone who knew Michael for more than 30 years, was in awe of his gifts and how he shared them. And Mr. Moffet felt the vibe that Michael’s fans and friends know so well. He recounted how people remarked to him about what they felt in his presence and his answer? “I know; I’ve been feeling it for 30 years.” Whether 30 years or 30 seconds, it’s not something one forgets. It makes women faint and grown men weep.

Here’s a 30 second story:

She is not the warm and fuzzy type. A military career woman, part of her training was to analyze men and women, which she did by the thousands, to evaluate their trustworthiness to get security clearances. She considers herself tough. She is used to scrutinizing and vetting people for a living. She has to read body language and voice inflection and eyes that truly do reveal the soul or at the very least, are windows to intention. She considers herself a great judge of character. She would have to be in order to choose who would make a good candidate for being privy to confidential areas. She scrutinizes and as she speaks to you, you sense a kind of active radar that is scanning and reading your vibes. Yes, there are people like that—I have met them—in Russia and in the U.N. And they don’t look in your eyes, they look behind them. She’s an analyst and one learns quickly in a meeting with her, that she’s good at it. She describes herself as cynical and a skeptic.

But she did like Michael Jackson’s music. So in 1992 when she was stationed in Germany, she went to his concert. The next day she left the base to go into town to get coffee. ‘German coffee,’ she says ‘is the best coffee in the world.’

When she was outside the coffee shop with the freshly secured cup in her hand, she saw a guy leaning against the wall watching the door of a nearby shop. He looked at her and said hello and then asked, “Did you go to the concert last night? How would you like to meet Michael Jackson?” She sniffed as she looked him up and down thinking this was typical of guys who see a woman in uniform and just have to hit on her. She was thinking this is the most unusual pickup line she’s heard so far…. The door opened and the owner of the store emerged in a flurry followed by a thin tall gentleman looking very much like Michael Jackson. In fact, it was Michael. Looking very stately and getting ready to don his sunglasses, he stopped in mid gesture as the security guard called out: “Hey Mike, you have a fan here who would like to meet you.”

Suddenly her jaw feels like it doesn’t belong to her; it is hanging loosely somewhere on her face. And her eyes feel too big to be contained by their sockets as the gentleman moves in her direction. He comes close to her with a look of trepidation and a perceptible hesitation in his body language. She thinks later that he must go through this questioning of intentions and scanning their energy with every fan he meets. She looks into his eyes as those eyes penetrate and briefly search hers, his body relaxes and he smiles…

She doesn’t remember anything that happened after that. She only remembers the feeling and the smell. ‘He smelled good’ she says. She looked down to see that the cup of coffee was still intact in her hand so she knows she didn’t spill it on Michael. She remembers the smell of him and figures she must have been close enough to get a whiff of his cologne although she couldn’t identify it; but she can’t remember if they hugged. She hopes that she said something intelligent, that she didn’t stutter and that whatever she said was gracious, and that she didn’t just stare with her mouth open the whole time.

And as suddenly as he appeared in her life, he was gone. The moment was over. But the feeling lingered. She says she felt something unusual. She remembers that she felt a sense of security, a feeling of being protected—almost nurtured and cradled, and safe and very warm. She said the mental reverie triggered was of a younger her, being bathed by her mother in a tub of warm bath water and of mom scooping her up and wrapping her in a thick, soft and fluffy terry towel. It was overwhelming comfort—human comfort. She remembers mom helping slip her into pajamas and lovingly tucking her into bed. She says she hadn’t felt that sense of love and warmth and comfort since childhood. And she hasn’t felt it again, since that moment with Michael.


  1. Lauren said . . .

    What a wonderful story. I can only imagine what it would feel like to be in such a presence. Since Michael passed, numerous lucky people who experienced that energy whether for a few moments or over many years, describe that warmth that surrounded Michael. Must be love…that’s the only thing that radiates like that. And for those who never met him yet believe themselves experts on the man and his life, how about exercising silence. I think it might be a wise thing to become familiar with. In the not too distant future, we will be able to hold published books by friends, family, peers and cultural historians who will tell the real story. And the pretenders will face raised eyebrows and more than a few inquiries about motives and rewards gained by false information and accusations. Mr. Moffett spent 30 years in and around that energy… he knows… and soon so will many more.

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 1:25 am | Permalink
  2. Joyce said . . .

    Thanks for sharing this amazing story. I can only try to imagine the incredible feeling of complete love and care that would completely surround and emanate from Michael. I do know that I sense it every moment that I am listening to his music or watching one of his performances which is why I have to listen as often as I possibly can through out each and every day! I can’t explain it to most people. They wonder how I can keep listening over and over, but you have just explained it perfectly. I am overwhelmed with the incredible feeling of joy and inspiration that comes through every single note and vocalization! Your paragraph about all the things that Michael Jackson mirrored to all humanity is absolute truth! To those of us whose eyes have been opened, who understand and accept, we all share the amazing feeling of Love that Michael left to us and continues to inspire in us. Thanks again Rev. Barbara!

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 2:23 am | Permalink
  3. Charlene said . . .

    What a wonderful Warm Michael Fuzzy! Thank you so much for this beautiful story, Barbara. I can only imagine – I HAVE imagined what it would feel like to be in Michael’s presence. I have written about it as well, basing my perception on what others who have experienced the feeling of his warmth and light have shared. I love to hear these stories because they continue to affirm what I believe to be true and what the world needs to remember about Michael Jackson, this mirror who reflected Truth in all things. The more people that hear these stories, the more hearts that are touched by hearing them, and the more who come to know this Truth… the more his Light and Love will become a part of his everlasting legacy (alongside his great art and genius) which will be passed down and remembered for generations! This is the part of him we cannot let the world forget! Love and Light to you ~ Charlene ~

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 2:24 am | Permalink
  4. Suvie said . . .

    Ah! I am basking in some kind of warmth after reading this… Last to last night I was reading the site of a lady who has written a book called I think, “An angel and we called him Michael Jackson”. It induced me in deep thought and feelings…while I listened to his music till 2 a.m. And in the morning, while I was looking into the sports section of the news paper, my daughter pointed to a picture of Michael Jackson! I was like what is he doing in the Sports section? I searched for the related news item for which the picture was meant in the whole paper many times over and found none… Seemed like a mistake… but my heart said… it is a sign…

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 4:07 am | Permalink
  5. B. Kaufmann said . . .

    Was it the soccer section Suvi? Seems there is to be this new statue… ~B

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 4:38 am | Permalink
  6. Dalia said . . .

    It is a wonderful story that sounds like it’s taken from one of my dreams. I believe it is possible there is a spiritual communication through dreams. I didn’t know of Michael before he died so I am surprised and wonder how my brain could develop such a response. In Michael, as in the case of Juan Pablo II, people felt something very special in his presence, but not everyone is attuned to it. Michael could have quite an emotional effect on people. I have dreamed about Michael and felt that same response.

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 4:02 pm | Permalink
  7. Suvie said . . .

    Hi Barbara! Here in India right we have this cricket world cup going on…so sports pages are filled with only cricket news… There was cricket news and here was Michael happily sitting in that pile. What new statue are you referring to? Sounds good news! Love. [In Britian not India ~B]

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 6:01 pm | Permalink
  8. Susan T said . . .

    Incredible story. Your writing puts the reader right there….. you feel every word and identify completely with that woman’s experience. He is special, isn’t he? And I believe that there’s much, much more specialness to come. Thanks for sharing this rare encounter.

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 8:15 pm | Permalink
  9. B. Kaufmann said . . .

    Thanks, yes, and I too believe. ~B

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 8:24 pm | Permalink
  10. Monica said . . .

    Thank you so much for this. I am deeply inspired by your articles and Michael’s positive influence in my life is a constant. A treasured blessing.

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 9:02 pm | Permalink
  11. Anne Mette Jepsen said . . .

    Thank you Rev. Kaumann :)I’m always looking forward to your Inner Michael pieces. This is beautiful 🙂 LOVE and GRATITUDE from Anne Mette, Denmark 🙂

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 10:37 pm | Permalink
  12. Robbie M said . . .

    Thank you so much for sharing this lovely story. What an amazing encounter to have had! Like yourself and others I have rediscovered Michael since his passing. It is a constant source of joy and peace to me to have his influence in my life. I have such a strong feeling that he is gathering like minded souls to him. There is a purpose here, intangible and wonderful. Michael is not done with this world by a long way. Something is coming I don`t know what or when, but we are all a part of it.

    Posted March 20, 2011 at 11:24 pm | Permalink
  13. Rosario said . . .

    Dear Rev. Kaufman, thank you so much for this inspirational piece and the wonderful story. You always have a way of enlightening our minds and making things clearer for us with regard to understanding the extraordinary being of Michael. Your in-depth writings generate positive energy and are a source of strength and inspiration to Michael’s fans, admirers, and supporters.

    Posted March 21, 2011 at 12:45 am | Permalink
  14. Sue Springer said . . .

    Such a lovely recounting Rev. B. Thank you so much. I never met Michael in person, but saw him perform live and the audience felt that magic from the stage — waves of love from this one singular being just flowing over the audience, all the way to the “nose bleed” seats. When Michael yelled “I love you,” each and every one of us believed he was speaking personally to us. And the feelings of love and warmth never fade. For 40+ years I have felt loved and blessed by this gentle, amazing man. I believe he still watches over us. Love and peace, Sue.

    Posted March 21, 2011 at 1:43 am | Permalink
  15. karen said . . .

    It is a beautiful story. I wonder if anyone made Michael feel the same way that he made them feel? Did anyone ever give him a warm fuzzy?

    Posted March 21, 2011 at 2:08 am | Permalink
  16. B. Kaufmann said . . .

    I’m thinking someone made him feel it or he wouldn’t be able to sing about it the way he does. I am sure he felt a similar energy from people like Nelson Mandela. People who are spiritually evolved or practice a discipline like prayer or meditation regularly have a Presence (capital P) like what is described here. I have felt it with Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the Dalai Lama, Ram Das, and Leo Buscaglia. Gurus can have it and I have encountered it in Kirtan- a musical gathering to chant that invokes the many names of a deity. Everyone must do Kirtan just to feel what that ecstacy feels like. ~B

    Posted March 21, 2011 at 3:08 am | Permalink
  17. gertrude said . . .

    I am STUNNED by this story. And the entire article? BRILLIANT.

    Posted March 21, 2011 at 4:55 am | Permalink
  18. Stella said . . .

    Thank you, Rev. Kaufmann. Sometimes I’m wondering how I would have felt in his physical presence. This story gives such a vivid impression. Actually, I cried. I’m glad we had him – and still have.

    Posted March 21, 2011 at 12:26 pm | Permalink
  19. Greet Boete Belgium said . . .

    Why am I not surprised to read such a beautiful story ? I think there must be hundreds, thousands of these. Michael met so many people. I remember reading Big “Al” Scanlan, saying …”as for spirit and energy in person … it was one hundred times more powerful than you can imagine.” (MJTP). It make me think of the comment of Lauren : “i can only imagine;…”, and then so much more powerful. And I believe it, because it is the same warmth and peace that came into my life after June 25. I think it is only the beginning. Thank you Rev. Barbara. You are really very inspired. And I know it is hard work too… but so much appreciated.

    Posted March 21, 2011 at 1:33 pm | Permalink
  20. B. Kaufmann said . . .

    Someone just asked me a question about another post that I thought you might like to read because it is relevant here too:

    Q: My question is in reference to Michael. Could the reason that Michael continued to change his appearance be because what he saw in the mirror was a reflection of his father first, whom he feared; and then possibly the reflection of what he thought society saw him as? Why was he so discontent with his appearance in the mirror? He was never satisfied. What was he searching for? At one time he made the statement that when he looked in the mirror what he saw was a lizard! I never understood that. Please explain, because in my eyes, he was perfect.

    A: Cassie, Yes, it is puzzling that he never saw the perfection others saw. Originally I think Michael had his nose done because it was a large ethnic nose, was made fun of and he was someone who made his living on the stage so improving his looks was part of the “Hollywood” culture. (He was sensitive to appearance we know because he had acne and made his living onstage.)

    He said he also had work done on his nose to open the chambers and hit higher notes and that makes sense because the sinus cavities and internal structures of the face are actual resonance chambers.

    I have learned that Michael saw his life, body, voice, dance, and all gifts as bestowed from God– and one can see that when he works. So it makes sense that he saw himself (entire self) as a canvas for God. As a canvas for God, we dedicate our life, self, body, gifts to God and allow God, as the artist, to use us (the canvas) to paint divinity into form through the human. Michael confirmed that he felt that way.

    It also makes sense that he loved beauty and perfection and there is evidence that he studied faces for their beauty even surreptitiously. He saw that beauty in males and females alike. He was a lover of aesthetics.

    Also- in this thing we call reality, there are worlds within worlds and in the worlds of metaphysics, archetypes and metaphors Michael represents (for me) “the changing face of humanity.” There is so much of those worlds in Michael’s work that Michael himself becomes ultimately– a metaphor for the human experience.

    In the world of celebrity it was necessary to reinvent oneself to remain contemporary and relevant– i.e. facelifts and “work.” In the shamanic world Michael is a shape shifter and when I watch him, I see flashes of that– and sometimes animal faces which include the cobra face (Egyptian.) Shamans will often take on the appearance of their primary or other power animal/s or other symbols. If you want to see an example of how that looks check out Susan Seddon Boulet’s artwork.

    Posted March 21, 2011 at 4:55 pm | Permalink
  21. CassieforMaxwell said . . .

    When I see videos of these very, very lucky “chosen women” who were given the honor of being hugged on or off stage by Michael Jackson, I can hardly catch my breath. What would I have done? I don’t know. Fainted? Cried? Prayed? Probably all of the above. Certainly one or two of them. How then, could anyone who ever met him and spent time with him,not love him? It amazes me. It’s something that I’ll never understand.

    Posted March 21, 2011 at 7:10 pm | Permalink
  22. Theresa B said . . .

    I have read so many amazing stories about Michael Jackson from those who knew him. This one is no exception. But, I keep thinking about Martin Bashir? How is it that he was given the priviledge of spending 9 months with Michael Jackson without experiencing this warmth and light? Are some people so full of shadow that they fail to respond? It hurts to think about it.

    Posted March 22, 2011 at 8:04 am | Permalink
  23. Nicole P-H said . . .

    Barbara, this story reminds me of this holy woman from India, Amma, who practises the “Darshan” : she literally hugs people for a few minutes and people from eastern and western countries are waiting on line for ours to receive the “Darshan” from her. All of them say that this “hug” gives them a sense of LOVE they have never felt before, hard to describe, almost unearthly… I believe this is what happened every time a fan was hugged by Michael, or in his presence. I believe that Michael practised the art of “Darshan” naturally, without even being aware of it. Because he was pure LOVE in motion. Love to all, Nicole (France)

    Posted March 22, 2011 at 1:02 pm | Permalink
  24. B. Kaufmann said . . .

    Darshan and Shaktipat. And I think he knew. ~B

    Posted March 22, 2011 at 1:13 pm | Permalink
  25. B. Kaufmann said . . .

    There is a difference between talking the walk and walking the walk. There is a difference between observing and feeling. When love is felt, even tiny cells respond; when gratitude is practiced, the body is bathed in that energy. We all have a “field” that reflects who we are being inside. That field is imperceptably and unconsiously felt by most but deliberately sensed by many- and many more now. It is the stuff of cutting edge quantum research. Have you gotten the series about chakras in the Michael Messages? Which chakras are open informs the field also. Simply put: Some people live in their heads and some in their hearts. See, hear, think, feel, know are all different ways to perceive. In Kirlian photography, we see that a person’s energy field can be murky or brilliant and everywhere in between. Light attracts light but yes, it is a magnet for shadow. And then jealousy and envy when one asks: “what does this person have that I don’t have?” Shadow is the unrecognized parts of self that one projects onto others. When we condemn another, we are revealing our hidden desires and confessing the unrecognized shadow in self. Bashir’s documentary is his confession. The fact that it was skillfully manipulated reveals a dark and vicious kind of malice. It’s tribal and un-enlightened. Reducing the “other” to non-human enemy is an old game on this planet and it is responsible for all the wars and human tragedies through time. The human ego will do anything to survive its own extinction. And does.

    Posted March 22, 2011 at 1:33 pm | Permalink
  26. B. Kaufmann said . . .

    There is a difference between talking the walk and walking the walk. There is a difference between observing and feeling. When love is felt, even tiny cells respond; when gratitude is practiced, the body is bathed in that energy. We all have a “field” that reflects who we are being inside. That field is imperceptably and unconsiously felt by most but deliberately sensed by many- and many more now. It is the stuff of cutting edge quantum research. Have you gotten the series about chakras in the Michael Messages? Which chakras are open informs the field also. Simply put: Some people live in their heads and some in their hearts. See, hear, think, feel, know are all different ways to perceive. In Kirlian photography, we see that a person’s energy field can be murky or brilliant and everywhere in between. Light attracts light but yes, it is a magnet for shadow. And then jealousy and envy when one asks: “what does this person have that I don’t have?” Shadow is the unrecognized parts of self that one projects onto others. When we condemn another, we are revealing our hidden desires and confessing the unrecognized shadow in self. Bashir’s documentary is his confession. The fact that it was skillfully manipulated reveals a dark and vicious kind of malice. It’s tribal and un-enlightened. Reducing the “other” to non-human enemy is an old game on this planet and it is responsible for all the wars and human tragedies through time. The human ego will do anything to survive its own extinction. And does. ~B

    Posted March 22, 2011 at 1:34 pm | Permalink
  27. Joslyn said . . .

    Thank you for all of your wonderful writings on Michael. You’ve confirmed what I have felt about Michael for a long time.

    Posted March 22, 2011 at 6:35 pm | Permalink
  28. Suvi said . . .

    & compare this to this view by Wayne Dyer

    Posted March 22, 2011 at 8:32 pm | Permalink
  29. gertrude said . . .

    BTW I sent this article to my Michael girls and they shivered all over their bodies and cried. That’s how powerful this story is.

    Posted March 23, 2011 at 4:54 am | Permalink
  30. Greet Boete Belgium said . . .

    Rev. Kaufmann, There is a film out and the film producers have just one thing in mind: cashing in on MJ’s death at the cost of MJ and his legacy’s image and reputation.

    Posted March 23, 2011 at 11:43 am | Permalink
  31. B. Kaufmann said . . .

    I am not going to give this name attention here. The Estate has been informed about the film.

    Posted March 23, 2011 at 2:52 pm | Permalink
  32. CassieforMaxwell said . . .

    I recall during Michael’s trial, jurors and visitors alike remarked about the light that seemed to illuminate Michael in his regalness as he entered the room; how it was so prevalent and grabbed hold of you and held you. I can imagine to have been in that close proximity had to be something awesome. There is no way he could have sat in that place and been found guilty of false charges against him. It was imminent as he said in his video statement that he would be found not guilty of the false allegations against him. Michael knew this would be the fight of his life. But he also knew that in the end he would emerge victorious. Onlookers saw him becoming visibly weaker and more frail. I likened this to his spirit God warring with the evils that were against him to preserve and protect his inner self. In that courtroom, I believe, was a full fledged war against good and evil. I am sure that Sneddon’s aura was the exact opposite of Michael’s; cold and hard. Little did he know when he entered into that arena on those days that there was a power greater than all the Sneddon’s in the world. And that power was working in Michael Jackson’s favor.

    Posted March 23, 2011 at 6:51 pm | Permalink
  33. Docas said . . .

    Thank you Rev. Kaufmann for continuing to shine light on Michael– a light so ignored by the media. I love that last paragraph, “She remembers mom helping slip her into pajamas and lovingly tucking her into bed. She says she hadn’t felt that sense of love and warmth and comfort since childhood.” Today, Michael’s long time friend Elizabeth Taylor passed away and reading this quote reminded me of Elizabeth Taylor. Perhaps Elizabeth’s strength was the strongest when Michael was here. Michael showed and gave her true love making her lost childhood less and troubled marriages less hurting. I hope they are re-united in heaven together.

    Posted March 23, 2011 at 8:28 pm | Permalink
  34. vero said . . .

    Michael said he could confide in and trust Elizabeth. That must have been such a relief and joy to him. He also said she was like a warm fuzzy blanket that he liked to wrap himself up in– sounds like she gave him the comfort that he gave to others, the comfort that is described so beautifully in this story of one woman meeting Michael. Wish I could have but Ii will be meeting him in spirit. Thank you, Rev. Barbara.

    Posted March 24, 2011 at 5:08 am | Permalink
  35. Nicole P-H said . . .

    All the people who had the blessing to be close to Michael – at least once in their life – mention the fact that he smelt so good. I wonder if it was only the effect of the perfume (cologne) he used. Because it is said that people with important spiritual gifts, spiritually awaken people (like holy men and women) often display a wonderful natural scent around them. It is said that this delightful scent can remain in the air long after they are gone and can be smelled even after their death…
    Since he was such a spiritually awaken being, could it be Michael’s case ? Blessings, Nicole (France)

    Posted March 24, 2011 at 8:25 am | Permalink
  36. AnneUK said . . .

    Thank you Rev Barbara for another beautifully written article. I was not ever lucky enough to be in Michaels presence but that warm fuzzy feeling extends to coming through your Inner Michael writings. What he felt,what was in his heart I can feel so strongly when I read your writing.It radiates straight to my heart.One day everyone will know and understand the real Michael. Much love and blessings, Anne xx

    Posted March 24, 2011 at 2:07 pm | Permalink
  37. Isabella said . . .

    Barbara, Nicole is writing about Amma, the woman who embraces people for hous and hours… I met her in Italy twice and what people felt in Michael’s arms resemble very much what you feel hugging Amma.

    Posted March 28, 2011 at 9:59 am | Permalink
  38. ewburgess said . . .

    Beautiful story. How could anything about Michael not be beautiful because Michael was/is beautiful inside out. The love he carried and was not afraid to acknowledge and share is what made us love him back. Unconditionally he loved his fans so we in turn unconditionally loved him back. No, the “world” was not ready for Michael Joseph Jackson, but many were and many are now being awakened because he came. Ready or not, the Creator sent the gift of Michael Joseph Jackson and for that, the world is a better place. Thank you Rev Kaufman for continuing to shine the light of Michael Joseph Jackson. We LOVE him more.

    Posted March 29, 2011 at 12:23 am | Permalink
  39. Pam said . . .

    This article is amazing. I felt this love also when I saw Michael at a James Brown Memorial service. I wanted to wave at him, but I knew without a doubt that if he had turned and looked in my direction, I would have fainted. Thank you so much for sharing this article with us at this time. It brings me so much comfort to know that others still feel Michael’s spirit also. I still listen to his music every day. I’ll never let go.

    Posted April 1, 2011 at 2:06 am | Permalink
  40. Marisa said . . .

    Thats a sweet story… I often wonder how people would have taken his This Is It shows… I think he really would have revolutionized entertainment forever (not that he hasn’t already, just more than we ever could imagine). God, I miss him….

    Posted April 2, 2011 at 9:34 pm | Permalink
  41. Mari-Josee said . . .

    I met Michael briefly at a CD signing and that experience changed my life. I felt I connected to the divinity in him and mine. We are all divine beings. Yes he does smell good… and radiates a kind of love that is pure and ancient yet childlike too. I dont believe death is the end; he is still here at least I felt this after the shock that he had passed on… Thank you for writings… you are beautiful Rev B.

    Posted April 11, 2011 at 10:15 pm | Permalink
  42. Nikki said . . .

    Thank you, Rev. B. This article is particularly meaningful to me at this time. Your work and insight into Michael is incredibly helpful and poignant. Love to you, Nikki

    Posted May 8, 2011 at 10:35 am | Permalink

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